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Employee Control

The more companies grow, expand their areas of operation, and hire new employees, the more they need to use a system to keep information organized and simplify people management. Use the Excel Employee Control Worksheet to keep employee records complete and accessible in Excel itself.



What is time and attendance control?
Time control consists of recording the working hours of the company’s employees. As well as control time is the same as recording all the times that make up the working day, usually entry, break, return from break and exit.

Having a management point can ensure the smooth running of the company and is a form of organization.

In addition, time control is the law, so it is extremely important to get human resources time control. Better understand the legal requirements.

Article 74 of the “Consolidation of Labor Laws Act” stipulates that business establishments with more than 10 employees must record employees’ clock-in and clock-out times by means of manual, mechanical, or electronic records.

And this ruling applies to any type of company with more than 10 employees in its branches.

When to use a time sheet for employees?
Time sheets should be used only in companies with more than 20 employees. However, whether by paper or electronic means to control the course is essential.

Many organizations make the mistake of not controlling the schedule at all, so they end up facing some labor problems.

Just as there are many reasons why companies claim that they do not control points. They range from thinking that the points system is too expensive and labor intensive to saying that employees will not fill out the worksheets correctly.


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